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Masarib Media

Web hosting prices in Rwanda

Web Hosting Prices

The best web hosting packages in Rwanda

From the personal blogs, to the small business website, to the full dedicated servers; Masarib introduce the best web hosting prices in Rwanda. 
With servers from different regions enjoy amazing performance, multi layers of security, generous backup and much more features all at reasonable prices. 

Starting from 110,000 RWF to 250,000 RWF all the personal, small & medium size businesses will find the right web hosting in affordable prices. 

And for the large businesses or heavy requirement systems we provide wide range of VPS & dedicated servers with various specifications and features ranging from 900,000 to 3,000,000 RWF annually

10 GB

110,000 RWF

90,000 RWF

50 GB

160,000 RWF

120,000 RWF

100 GB

250,000 RWF

200,000 RWF

* For VPS & Dedicated servers offer, please Contact Us.
* These are hosting packages only, if you are looking for  full website design, click here 
* All prices are in annual bases. 
* Prices include VAT.